Friday, February 24, 2012

O! Jacob, how I long to know thee!

"Oh, you. You just couldn't let me go, could you?  This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible, aren't you? You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won't kill you because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever."  Joker in The Dark Knight

Jacob wrestled with God and Joker wrestles with Batman.  I wrestle with God, but I like how Joker speaks of the relationship, as oppose to what Scripture says about Jacob's relationship with God.

Friday, February 10, 2012

nothing in full, but not half-empty

I don't have any complete thoughts for today, but two big ones mulling around in my brain are these:

I wonder what the whole issue surrounding Tim Tebow is about.  Is there a reason that evangelical Christians flock to him?  Is it because there is a dearth of competent and strong male or female Christian role models, i.e. fathers and mothers, in the lives of those who do flock?  Or is it something else?

I also wonder about the sexualization of relationships.  It seems a lot of magazines, websites and book shelves in book stores are bound and determined to help us get better at sex for the purposes of relationships.  Why?  Is it because we, as a culture, have centralized our relationships on the act of and acts around sex?

These are just some of my thoughts that I've yet to fully explore.

Friday, February 3, 2012

here i am, i'd like to go there.

I find it odd that whenever I get the urge to post about how life is going in general all I can seem to discuss is how frustrated I am.
Why can't I just as easily recall that in my life which is going well?  Or that in my life that I am striving for outside of what frustrates me?

WELL NO MORE!!!  I actually intend to talk about something other than that which frustrates me!