Friday, January 27, 2012

the devil

I must admit the concept of the Devil/Satan intrigues me.  I choose the word concept for a reason; since I've been in seminary that hasn't been one mention or discussion on the subject, except in my classes on evangelism.  I find this incredibly interesting that it would be discussed in my evangelism class and yet not discussed in either my biblical studies classes, nor my theology classes; likewise, I find it frustrating.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Insert title here.

Yes, I realize I have not posted in well over too long of a time.  I, unfortunately, do not see this circumstance changing anytime soon.

I figure what I should do is either become a master of quippy zingers a la Chandler on Friends


I should become a master of witty pithy phrases that make you think.

However, I also do not see that occuring anytime soon.  Needless to say, this blog is coming to grips with the power of silence.