Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So I saw The Adjustment Bureau...

Alison and I watched The Adjustment Bureau on Sunday afternoon.  It was a good decision, because it was an enjoyable movie and if we hadn't watched it we would have probably worked around the house and not rested... because there's nothing else to do, except for be on Facebook.
As enjoyable as the movie was, though, it kind of annoyed me, but only because I actually thought about it.... it's not as if there was any sort of glaring annoyance, it was just the theological undertones of the whole movie, which weren't veiled in the least... except calling God the "Chairman" and angels "agents" (if you want to call that veiling).  Well, the one thing that was sort of a glaring annoyance was the cheesy explanation of how agents were able to use doors as portals.

If you haven't seen the movie I hope I don't ruin it for you, but I'm not going to reveal much in the way of the plot... so no worries.