Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lady Gaga: 1 Christians: 0

I read this article:
Lady Gaga and Self Acceptance

It struck a chord in me.  I mean here is a good way to view and love others; the whole "little monsters" thing is part gimmicky, but more so its very much a reality.
Lady Gaga has not only picked up on the monster part, but also the acceptance part.
Both I think Christians have gotten seriously wrong.

Friday, June 24, 2011

modus operandi

I've been married for not even two weeks and, while I probably had inklings of this, it has become already prominent that Alison and I have two different modes of operating.  She seeks finality, whereas I seek comprehension.  I must add that I honestly had no idea what a good picture to go with this post would be, so I figured that the best option would be a cute kitten.  (Because nothing beats cute kittens)