Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So now I'm in Atlanta

Being here in Atlanta is interesting to say in the least.
It's weird to move away from so many good friends that I developed strong deep ties too, friends who have helped me deepen my faith for 7 years.  It's sad, but weird more so because I'm not super sad, don't get me wrong, I miss everyone dearly, but how can I be sad when I am only moving further into God's glory for my life?
I think this is why its weird.
I am torn because I miss all the connections and yet I am excited to be starting seminary and 4 hours closer to my fiancée.  I know that I will develop connections here, but my fear is that they won't be connections similar to what I experienced in Greesnboro.  I had so many brothers and sisters in Christ in Greensboro, and here I don't know how many I will have if any.  I was at a place in Greensboro where I had enough good deep relationships with my brothers that I didn't need, didn't want, relationships that were "shallow".  I wanted a friendship with someone in which we were both there to push each other towards Christ, not just to hang out, grab a beer and workout or ball together.
But here I am in Atlanta and I don't have any of that, I don't think I have ever felt so alone!  And yet its only depressing when I am getting ready to go to bed or watching TV and my mind trails off to think about how alone I am.  Otherwise I am quite content, excited actually, to be here.  I mean I start seminary classes in  not even 2 weeks!  I couldn't be more excited to be moving on towards my MDiv at Candler.  I mean getting my MDiv is something I've wanted since high school, and getting it at Candler is something I've wanted since falling in love with Alison (awwwwwwwwwwwwww!).
So I am torn, sad but excited.  Which I guess makes sense, moving on towards God's glory which is ever before me in his call for my life is always excited, yet always sad, because He calls you elsewhere in life.

So there we have it, my first blog post in I don't know how long.
I guess this also is a new start again for me, since my last one fell by the way side like 6 years ago.
I hope it's enjoyable, and not lame; which I think is impossible, because I like to hear myself talk about important things.  Of course I don't think I can be the judge of that.

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